Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Who Invented Twitter
If you were born in the age before the internet, your definition of Twitter might just be a series of short, high-pitched calls or sounds mostly associated with birds. However, that is not what twitter means in todays world of digital communication. Twitter (the digital definition) is a free social messaging tool that lets people stay connected through brief text message updates up to 140 characters in length called tweets. Why Was Twitter Invented Twitter came about out as a result of both a perceived need and timing. Smartphones were relatively new when Twitter was first conceived of by inventor Jack Dorsey, who wanted to use his cellphone to send text messages to a service and have the message distributed to all his friends. At the time, most of Dorseys friends didnt have text-enabled cell phones and spent a lot of time on their home computers. Twitter was born of a need to enable text messaging to have a cross-platform capacity, work on phone, computers, and other devices. Background - Before Twitter, There Was Twttr After working solo on the concept for a few years, Jack Dorsey brought his idea to the company that was then employing him as a web designer called Odeo. Odeo had been started as a podcasting company by Noah Glass and others, however, Apple Computers had launched a podcasting platform called iTunes that was to dominate the market, making podcasting a poor choice as a venture for Odeo. Jack Dorsey brought his new ideas to Noah Glass and convinced Glass of its do-ability. In February 2006, Glass and Dorsey (along with developer Florian Weber) presented the project to the company. The project, initially called Twttr (named by Noah Glass), was a system where you could send a text to one number and it would be broadcasted out to all your desired contacts. The Twttr project got the green light by Odeo and by March 2006, a working prototype was available; by July 2006, the Twttr service was released to the public. The First Tweet The first tweet occurred on March 21, 2006, at 9:50 PM Pacific Standard Time when Jack Dorsey tweeted just setting up my twttr. On July 15th, 2006 TechCrunch reviewed the new Twttr service and described it as follows: Odeo released a new service today called Twttr, which is a sort of â€Å"group send†SMS application. Each person controls their own network of friends. When any of them send a text message to 40404, all of his or her friends see the message via sms... People are using it to send messages like â€Å"Cleaning my apartment†and â€Å"Hungry†. You can also add friends via text message, nudge friends, etc. It really a social network around text messaging... Users can also post and view messages on the Twttr website, turn off text messages from certain people, turn off messages altogether, etc. Twitter Splits From Odeo Evan Williams and Biz Stone were active investors in Odeo. Evan Williams had created Blogger (now called Blogspot) which he sold to Google in 2003. Williams briefly worked for Google, before leaving with fellow Google employee Biz Stone to invest in and work for Odeo. By September 2006, Evan Williams was the CEO of Odeo, when he wrote a letter to Odeos investors offering to buy back shares of the company, in a strategic business move Williams expressed pessimism about the companys future and downplayed the potential of Twitter. Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and a few others gained a controlling interest in Odeo and Twitter. Enough power to allow Evan Williams to temporally rename the company The Obvious Corporation, and fire Odeos founder and team leader of the developing twitter program, Noah Glass. There is controversy surrounding Evan Williams actions, questions about the honesty of his letter to the investors and if he did or did not realize the potential of Twitter, however, the way the history of Twitter went down, went in the favor of Evan Williams, and the investors were freely willing to sell their investments back to Williams. Twitter (the company) was founded by three main people: Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, and Biz Stone. Twitter separated from Odeo in April 2007. Twitter Gains Popularity Twitters big break came during the 2007 South by Southwest Interactive (SXSWi) music conference, when Twitter usage increased from 20,000 tweets per day to 60,000. The company heavily promoted the program by advertising it on two giant plasma screens in the conference hallways, with streaming Twitter messages. The conference-goers avidly began tweeting messages. And today, over 150 million tweets happen every day with huge spikes in usage occurring during special events.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Impact Of Information Technology On Accounting Activities
As development and improvement of society, Accounting has experienced approximately several stages. In theses stages, the development of advance technology for accounting is so important that its influence could not be overlooked. In today highly competitive, dramatically changed global economy, rapidly fluctuated business market, organizations have been forced to consider how to use information technologies to hold advanced competitiveness. As introducing of these information technologies into organizations, accounting activities has met new opportunities and challenges. The objective of this article is to collect information about how the development of information technology impact on accounting activities and even its process in organization. [Key Words]: Accounting, Computer, Network, Intranet, Internet, Enterprise Resource Planning, Database, Clouding computing 1. Introduction Accountancy has the history as long as human society. In primitive society, because of product exchange, people needed to record every trading, so accountancy was emerged. Accountancy thus was the way to record or process trading or financial information about human activity. As improvement of productivity, people needed to record and measure more and more business issues and trading transactions. At this time, accounting, which terms the activity of accountancy, at last became an independent domain. Accounting is used as a way to measure the business outcome and income of an organizationShow MoreRelatedResearch on the Influence of Informatization1698 Words  | 7 PagesInformatization On The Accounting Theories and Practices and Real-time Control in China Yang Lu Fairleigh Dickinson University RESEARCH ON THE INFLUENCE OF INFORMATIZATION 2 Abstract The 21st century is an information age of rapid development and the computer is more and more widely used in every country. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Employee Inventions and Employment Context †
Question: Discuss about the Employee Inventions and Employment Context. Answer: Introduction The Better Off Overall Test is the main approval requirement for any single enterprise agreement which is not in a Greenfields agreement. The Fair Work Act should show proof of satisfaction when it comes to each award that is covered by the employee Management. This needs to be done in an overall manner when the agreement applies them to the most important modern award. The Better Off Overall Test began in 2010 and has been applied in Australian firms since then. In this manner it is important that the Better Off Overall Test satisfies the test time at the time application approval is made(Watson, 2017). As part of the requirement, the Better Off Overall Test should also be in line with the Fair work act as long as the approval is made(Walpole, 2016). It is also possible that the Fair Work Act should always approve the agreement which does not meet the Better Off Overall Test. It is also important to note that only the strict and limited cases can be considered by tribunals as with regard to the agreement so long as it is in contrary to the interest of the public. According to the Fair Work Act also, one looks at the situation where the tribunal will consider the approval of the agreement which is usually not contrary to the public interest(Harpur, et al., 2012). Also according to the law another example can be realized where agreement approval is also part of a reasonable strategy that deals with the long term or the short term crisis in the organisation(Barron, 2014). This is important as it assist the organisation with it comes to the employee covered by the agreement. The aim of this report is to analyze the application Management of Better of Overall Test with reference to the fair works Act 2002 of Australian employment laws. This report will cover the concept of Better Off overall test in Australia. In doing so, the report will also discuss the concerns of this concept by looking at the pros. Or advantages of the application to the Australian worker. As part of the report, the paper will analyze some of the concerns of BOOT by looking at two companies; H M and Coles and how the failure to follow the fair works act and resulted in the failure of BOOT by the company. The BOOT The Better Off Overall Test ( BOOT) and the underpinning award that are meant to administer the countrys Fair Work Act. For many companies, this is far more rigorous than was the case of the previous failing BOOT or the agreements that were entered to before 2010. In most cases there is much more close attention being applied to the proposed awards to casual workers. All employee procedures need to follow the Fair Works Act and arbitrate other disputes. The BOOT was established in 2010 with the main objective being to protect workers from being mistreated by their employers. For example they commission will intervene in situations where the company allows employees to spend a lot of sleepless nights wondering how to manage different costs of wages, especially when looking at the administrative challenges that are always changing with time. Some of them include the penalty rates, overtime allowances and the shift allowance. These are some of the criteria that have been used to measure the degree of BOOT. A company may have employees work on night shifts, weekends or in excess of the standard 38 hours a week(Jennifer Linda, 2010). The BOOT concept provides employees with a lot of advantages from their employees. Most of which is stipulated in the Award Flexibility Agreement. According to Watson, (2017), with regard to the updated wages Guide 2015 which calls them as one of the most legally effective way that is used in making an absorption agreement. This has been proved to be more effective. One of the reason is that in each modern award, there is a clause which say an employee Management can vary certain terms of the award in relation to the working hours, penalty, overtime, leave and loading allowances. The BOOT also ensures that, its employee award was poorly drafted meaning negotiations with the commission would still not bear fruit. The commission looked at a claim that requires the industry to settle the underpayment of its employee(Fells, 2014). The other worst thing that could happen in the organisation is a situation where they are meant to be visited by the Fair Work Ombudsman. The same case scenario happened in 2011 in a shooting at Queensland arcade where it was prosecuted and fined $25,000 while the director of the arcade was also compelled to bay another $5,000. And even thought the director was paying employees and a much more higher grade with reference to the award, that they way that it was fairly required of him, the wording of the AFA was not so particular about what needed to change, neither did it define ways that it could change or when the change would begin(Barron, 2014). It the same line, employees that question as to whether they are better off under the AFA or those that would rather consider them further, are also instructed by the director which would be out of Job if they did not sign on the dotted line. It is also important to consider preparation of the AFA and whether this should be considered further and if they would be rendered jobless if they had not signed the dotted agreement. Concerns with BOOT: A case of H M and Coles H M is a Swedish Fashion giant with satellite work stations in various parts of the world. The company opened its first store in Australia in 2014, with time it expanded to have its operations to over 10 stores in the country. The company plans to open more stores in Toowoomba and Wollongong. HM also trades through other three upmarket COS in Melbourne and Sydney. With regard to the fair works act in Australia, the fashion giant had come up with proposal that would enable them meet the criteria without having to interfere with their normal operations, however this was rejected by the commission(Bray A. Stewart, 2013). The workplace agreement that was proposed by the company was meant to cover 1200 workers in the company where the penalty rates left most of them worse off than the award from the industry (Anderson, 2016). some of the other proposals by HM including cutting off public holidays and weekend penalty rates. Other areas of the cuts included overtime rates, in return the e mployees would receive high pay rates during the normal working days from Monday to Friday. This means that employees who were going to work during weekends would experience an increase in the number of ordinary working hours and short breaks before the next working period(Riley, 2005). Even though the company provided for different undertaking in reference to the proposed deal, the company also cut the salaries that were previously declared for some of the employees to $5000 per year(Anderson, 2016). There were concerns about the deal as it seemed to be inferior in a retail award meaning that it would not pass the Better Off Overall Test (BOOT) as stipulated in the fair works act. The main issue was that the undertakings by the company especially on casual employees did not meet the BOOT test requirements thus there is not way this could be approved. In this manner thus, the company was unable to pass the Better Off Overall Test(Anderson, 2014). Also in another case involving Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd , a full bench of the fair work commission decline the enterprise agreement since it was found that it had not passed the Better off agreement test (BOOT)(Sutherland Riley, 2016). This decision as very important to the employees in the supermarket as it covered the largest number of desperate workers. The main concern here is that the enterprise agreement was drafted in a way that it would cover 78,000 employees paid under wages at its supermarkets around Australia. The agreement was approved by majority of employees and supported by the union covering the supermarkets workforce. However, just like HM, the agreement was sent for approval by FWC, the agreement include terms which were more or less beneficial with regard to required awards(Sutherland Riley, 2016). The agreement was also found to include some terms and conditions that did not meet the requirements for an award(Pila, 2012). In this manner concerns were raised by the fair work commission on whether the agreement passed the BOOT. Other issues concerning it failure to observe the BOOT test was also discussed and proposals by the SDA called for an increase in the Monday to Sunday rates for casual employees, especially those who work on weekends. If this is done well, them each casual employee will be able to rightfully receive an award based on the scope and time spent at work if this would be done well then they will be in a position to satisfy the BOOT for all employees(Anderson, 2016). In addition to this are the penalty rates. The proposed penalty rates by the company were found not to fully compensate casual employees when they have worked for long hours and during unsocial times. The BOOT dictates that they are entitled to maintenance(Watson, 2017). However, when looking at odd working days like Sundays, the penalty rates for hospitality, cafes, restaurants, entertainment and retailing were not well covered in the Sunday rates. The arrangements of an employee can help in this line, however this take is usually low. In other areas, this part rejects existence and ignorance of employees. It is however also notable that perceptions are at times unfounded and leads to defects which constrain various use(Street Thomas, 2015). One of the ways is to ensure that this is resolved through provision of information about their use. It also includes extension of employee termination period and arranging it through a no disadvantage test. This also went hand in hand with the issue of unfair dismissal in the company. it was suggested in the proposal that about 1500 of employees will be dismissed. The current statistics indicate that the issue of claiming unfair dismissal is still in very small proportions despite the implementation of the act. In this regard, it was possible that employee would file for unfair dismissal cases and not get fully compensated for the same(Watson, 2017). According to other statistics, about 90 per cent of employees dismissed with no tangible reason usually do not get compensated and those that do, will not get fully compensated. Concerns for the Commission against H M With regard to the provisions provided under the Fair Work Act, there are major concern that come up with the implementation of BOOT by H M. The new proposals by the company seemed not to consider issues such as underpayment, unfair dismissal and discrimination and long working hours. The protection of these type of employee arrangement also suggests that the company implemented one of the more light handed suits or arrangements with regard to BOOT. Some of the major concerns include the following: When it comes to minimum wages it Australia, this is usually justified including the view that the exist levels are always very highly prejudicial to employment, this is usually not well addressed in the BOOT and fair work act. It is however important to note that the mode of minimum wage that was proposed by H M posed the risk for employment especially when the set is put against the weakening labor market in the country. It is of great concern that even higher income employees should get to have minimum wages. Recommendations The first overall recommendation is for the Fair Work Act commissioners, this should be separated in two main divisions. First is the minimum standard division which will be designed to determine wages, in this manner, they will have to review the wages among employees in Australia and make determination with regard to the award. The members of the organisations need to also to be well educated and experienced when it comes to social science, commerce and economics and not only the law. There should also be a tribunal division, this would be solely responsible for the quasi-judicial function of the Fair Work Commission(Thornthwaite Sheldon, 2011). Some of their roles would be making decisions that related to unfair dismissal, approval of employee and employer agreements, adverse actions, rights of entry and industrial disputes. In addition, its members need to have a broad experience and should be drawn from various professions that include commerce dispute resolution, the law, economics and the ombudsman office. In addition, processes that entail the appointing of member of the FWC should also be looked in to. The Australia, territory and state governments need to come up with an expert panel that will be consulted solely for employment. These panel should be able to come up with a merit based shortlist of those who will run the two divisions. In this line it is also important to recognize that the Australian government minister will then be called upon to choose members from the shortlist who will serve for a fixed tenure(Jennifer Linda, 2010). There should also be the provision of a possible renewal when they perform well. The other concern is the appointment of the FWC member, in some cases this has led to inconsistencies when it comes to decision making. This is a major concern in situations where a new it for purpose governance model that involves all the jurisdiction in Australia will be able to resolve the bargaining of small union representatives, smooth progression and out of cost bargaining. There also needs to be a requirement which a nonparty union will only act as the bargaining representative if they have been able to secure the support with regard to a reasonable share of workforce. In this regard, the productivity commission also proposes a 5 per cent, to achieve the said objectives. lastly it is important to make awareness of the act and the BOOT to employees in Australia(Thornthwaite Sheldon, 2011). Most of them do not understand the contents. Most of them are also not used to the flexibility arrangements, those that provide for protection among employees and are not hard to make. In this manner, the awareness should also include migrants who work in the country. It is reported that about 50,000 of migrants are working in breach of the Migration act of 1958. In this regard, most of them are not usually covered with reference to visa terms and the working condition. Despite looking at other employees, a migrant who knows is illegally working in the country, may not really raise concerns of the law, in this manner, most of them are exploited and underpaid. If the commission sets a program to create awareness of the above discussed provisions, it will provide most of these migrants with an opportunity to legalize their stay so that they can enjoyer a lot from the work they do(Barron, 2014). Conclusion In conclusion, despite the implementation of FWA and BOOT by H M, there is little evidence which suggest unfair dismissal as being practiced by the organisation especially with regard to casual employees in the company. Also when looking at the companys implementation of BOOT it is not effective when it comes to worker employee principles. It has sometimes seen to let itself to a line by line; approach with regard to the assessment of whether the relevant class of employees will be better or become much worse when looking at each individual term in the employment agreement and the recommended award. This shows that the basic reason for implementing BOOT is to ensure there are global standards applied with regard to the way employees are treated in an organisation. This looks at the global benefits of the employee and employer agreement and the tests will be focused on this that are against the overall benefits of the BOOT award. Here there will be a shift to a new advantage test whi ch can assist and support worker and employer intention. References Anderson, H., 2014. Pressing the right buttons: Australian case studies in the protection of employee entitlements against corporate insolvency. International Labour Review, Volume 153, pp. 117-142. Anderson, H., 2016. Pressing the right buttons: Australian case studies in the protection of employee entitlements against corporate insolvency. International Labour Review, 153(1), pp. 117-142. Barron, L., 2014. A fair day's pay for a fair day's work": why Congress should amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to include an actual time test for retroactive damages. Iowa Law Review, 99(3), p. 1297. Bray, M. A. Stewart, A., 2013. From the arbitration system to the Fair Work Act : the changing approach in Australia to voice and representation at work. Adelaide Law Review, 34(1), pp. 21-41. Fells, R., 2014. Rediscovering Collective Bargaining: Australia's Fair Work Act in International Perspective. Industrial Relations Journal, 45(1), pp. 98-99. Harpur, P., French, B. Bales, R., 2012. Australia's Fair Work Act and the transformation of workplace disability discrimination law. Wisconsin International Law Journal, 30(1), p. 190. Jennifer, W. Linda, C., 2010. The Work-life Provisions of the Fair Work Act: A Compromise of Stakeholder Preference. Australian Bulletin of Labour, 36(2). Pila, J., 2012. Sewing the Fly Buttons on the Statute': Employee Inventions and the Employment Context. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 32(2), pp. 265-295. Riley, J., 2005. Employee protection at common law, Federation Press. N.S.W.: Annandale. Street, T. Thomas, D., 2015. Employee factors associated with interest in improving sun protection in an Australian mining workforce. Health Promotion Journal of Australia: Official Journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professional, 26(1), pp. 33-38. Sutherland, C. Riley, J., 2016. Major court and tribunal decisions in Australia in 2015. Journal of Industrial Relations, 58(3), pp. 388-401. Thornthwaite, L. Sheldon, P., 2011. Fair Work Australia: Employer Association Policies, Industrial Law and the Changing Role of the Tribunal. Journal of Industrial Relations, 53(5), pp. 616-631. Walpole, K., 2016. How is employees' input and influence over collective agreements shaped by Australia's Fair Work Act?. Labour Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work, 26(3), p. 220. Warburton, G., 2010. The Fair Work Act 2009 (CTH) : a new model?. University of Western Sydney Law Review, 13(13), pp. 155-175. Watson, G., 2017. Better off overall' test creates more jobless workers: Industrial relations. Melbourne: Fairfax Media Publications Pty Limited.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Race Issues Essays - Politics, Black Power, Identity Politics
Race Issues Race and class are increasingly important in the world today; yet, few sources focus on the similarities of these issues at a regional or global level. Ideologies of race were used to justify colonialism, conquest and annihilation of non-European peoples, slavery, indentured labor, fascism and Nazism. Yet, a common impression among men and women of color is that race and class issues are unique to their own particular community. Still, it is only through awareness of how these issues affect different communities that a common bond and understanding can be developed across racial, ethnic, cultural and class barriers. Both governments and media present the image of an integrated, egalitarian society, which in reality contradicts racial discrimination, and class oppression that is exercised against various minority groups. In each `integrated' and `equal' society, racial and ethnic discrimination is directly related to economic and class issues. Since the period of merchant bankers and the British east India Company, modern capitalist forces have penetrated `developed' and `developing' societies by division and conquest. Capitalist countries and companies pursue profit motives by providing arms, money, patronage and privilege to leaders of some groups, on the one hand, while denying the vast majority of their land and resources, on the other. Each year new reports are published concerning individuals and their levels of income. If one was to look at a list of people ranked solely by yearly earnings in the entertainment industry, the list would surely be topped with such names as Oprah Winfrey, and Michael Jackson, as well as such sports figures as Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan. On the other hand, if one were to consult Forbes magazine's list of the 600 highest compensated CEOs and chairmen, one would find very few black Americans represented. The Forbes list goes a few steps further and not only supplies information about yearly earnings, but goes into detail regarding individuals assets and their command over monetary resources. African Americans are very well represented in the first list, which generates an optimistic view of how black Americans have progressed economically in the United States. Conversely, the near absence of blacks on the Forbes list paints a much more pessimistic outlook. Economists argue that racial differences in wealth are a consequence of disparate class and human capital credentials such as age, education, experience and skills, as well as one's propensity to save and consume. Sociology of wealth seeks to properly situate the social context in which wealth generation occurs. It attempts to account for the racial differences in wealth holdings by demonstrating the diverse social circumstances that blacks and whites face. Both race and class tremendously affect the different investment opportunities that are available to whites and blacks, resulting in a wealth gap. Certain individuals have commented on the impact of race and class in the United States and the public policy implications. The individuals chosen for this analysis are Quincey Jones and Kathleen Cleaver. Quincey Jones is an award winning composer, arranger and publisher. He derives his viewpoints from first hand experience as a result of his childhood and his involvement in the music industry. Kathleen Cleaver is a visiting professor at Cardoza School of Law. She derives her knowledge from her involvement with the Black Panther Party. These two individuals discuss issues relating to race and class and its impact on society and public interest. Jones describes his familiarity with the gangster culture from his childhood in Chicago that he described as, a breeding ground for gangsters of all colors. The gang culture itself has not changed merely the underlying elements. These underlying elements being money, fast money that is usually earned by dealing so-called designer drugs. Jones feels that drugs should be legalized because in his opinion no matter what the economic level, drug abuse still exists and the government is still enabling it. The media, (the news, movies, MTV raps, etc.) attempt to glorify the mere 2 or 3 percent of the population that are considered gangsters and they make it the norm, which only feeds racism. Jones uses a Dickens clich? to describe the sixties and today, It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, but goes on to say how
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